Martin joined this Department in July 1958 as a Junior member at age 16. His dedication started on the night his application was accepted. With the exception for his absence while serving as a Career Firefighter with Prince Georges County, Martin has been a continued asset to us.
He has served in the nuts-and-bolts sector of our organization as driver/operator, engineer, apparatus maintenance engineer, and Buildings and Grounds Manager performing upkeep on our facility.
Martin, though never holding a line officer position, has mentored many members who have benefitted from his wisdom and gone on to serve in several career fire service organizations. He has served as a member of our Board of Directors for multiple terms, held delegate and alternate positions as a representative to various organizations and provided invaluable assistance to the President of this Department for more than ten years.
In addition, he has provided invaluable assistance to our Ladies Auxiliary on numerous occasions by assisting with the meals served when they hosted their county ladies' monthly meetings.
He was recognized for outstanding service in saving the life of a young child who crashed through a plate glass door severing his Jugular vein, when he received the President's Award for service in 2012 and when the membership voted him Member of the Year at our annual banquet in 2015. Throughout his tenure with The Clinton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Martin has been recognized for his service with and for this Department. |